Tuesday, September 5, 2017

CHCI Urges Administration to Rethink its Actions Against DACA


As an organization dedicated to uplifting and empowering Latino youth to become leaders across all industries, we are beyond saddened to hear that the President and his team have overturned DACA and that his Administration continues to work against this country’s founding principle, the American Dream.

This nation needs unity and leadership now. Not only do we have DACA Hurricane Harvey victims dealing with the loss of their homes and neighborhoods, but now in their darkest hour, they along with many others, are faced with the grim reality of being deported and torn from their families and a life they have always known as home.

CHCI urges the Administration to rethink its actions towards a community that has obeyed laws, contributed as citizens and fought to pursue their American Dream.

An estimated 16 percent of DACA recipients have purchased their first home after receiving DACA. Among 25 years and older, this percentage rises to 24. Another estimated 6 percent of DACA beneficiaries have started their own businesses, about double the rate of Americans as a whole at 3.1 percent. Additionally, at least 72 percent of the top 25 Fortune 500 companies employ DACA recipients. DACA participants have worked with and for this country, serving in our military, stimulating the economy, currently providing aid to our Texas community and now are facing the possibility of being removed from the place they were raised and are helping build.

We will not be discouraged and actions such as these only unite us and fuel us in our continued efforts to provide better opportunities for our community and future leaders.

We will fight for the next generation of leaders, continuing to work towards a bipartisan solution that acknowledges these 800,000 DREAMers’ contribution and undeniable potential for positive impact on America.
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