Thursday, September 14, 2017

Inter-American Dialogue: Events


AMLO, MORENA and the 2018 Mexico Elections

Sept 5  |  Anastasia Sendoun  |  Event Summary
On September 5, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute co-hosted an event with the Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Commonly referred to as AMLO, López Obrador is the head of Mexico’s National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) party. López Obrador discussed the key issues that have and will continue to shape his campaign and, if elected in 2018, his presidency.



Politics Uncertain in Latin America’s Major Energy-Producing Countries

Sept 8  |  Lisa Viscidi  |  Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries
In spite of a steady economic recovery, low inflation and improving fiscal balances, Latin America is seeing weak private investment in energy and other sectors.

Is Guatemalan Democracy under Threat?

Sept 13  |  Interview with Kevin Casas-Zamora & Eduardo Stein  |  TRT World
In the interview, Stein discussed how the perception of Guatemala’s president Jimmy Morales has changed and the role that the UN and CICIG have played thus far in corruption investigations. Casas highlighted the similarities and differences between the present investigation of President Morales and the corruption scandal which led to the ousting of Guatemala’s former president, Otto Pérez Molina, in 2015.

Cara a Cara con Michael Shifter

Sept 11  |  Entrevista con Michael Shifter  |  Radio Nacional de España
En esta entrevista, Shifter analizó los primeros meses de Donald Trump a cargo de la presidencia, y habló sobre la difícil relación entre el presidente estadounidense y su partido político. El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano exploró también las opciones de Estados Unidos respecto a Venezuela, los esfuerzos de gobiernos en la región para combatir la corrupción y los retos a corto plazo que enfrentan los países de América Latina.


English Language Learning in Latin America

Sept 1  |  Ariel Fiszbein & Kathryn Cronquist 
English proficiency is a critical tool for competitiveness in the global economy. How can governments implement effective English language learning policies and programs?



Why Are Officials Leaving Chile’s Government?

Chile’s finance, deputy finance and economy ministers resigned on Aug. 31, dealing a blow to President Michelle Bachelet’s government. What was behind the resignations? What do the high-level departures mean for Bachelet, her political coalition, and for her ability to carry out the remainder of her agenda before she leaves office in March? What can be expected of the country’s new finance minister, Nicolás Eyzaguirre, and the new economy minister, Jorge Rodríguez?
Featured Expert Commentary:
Patricio Navia  |  Clinical Professor, New York University &  Professor, Universidad Diego Portales
Peter M. Siavelis  |  Professor & Chair, Politics & International Affairs, Wake Forest University
Manuel Agosin  |  Dean, School of Economics & Business, Universidad de Chile


Sept 19

English Language Learning in Latin America

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM  |  Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC

Sept 20

Tercer Foro Anual de Transporte Limpio en América Latina

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM  |  InterContinental Hotel, San José, Costa Rica

Sept 20

Conservation and Ethnic Community Land Rights in Colombia

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM  |  Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC

Sept 22

Harnessing the Anti-Corruption Wave in Latin America

11:30 PM - 1:00 PM  |  Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC

Oct 17

Japan-Mexico Relations: Finding Common Ground in a Changing Policy Environment

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM  |  Club de Industriales, Ciudad de México


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