Monday, August 20, 2018

Incredible fear: How a change in U.S. asylum policy hurts victims of violence, by Caitlin Dickson

Grace, an indigenous woman from Guatemala, came to the United States this summer to flee an abusive partner who, over the course of their 22-year relationship, regularly beat and threatened to kill her and her children, even after she tried to leave him. He sexually assaulted both Grace (not her real name) and her daughter, and once beat her daughter so badly while she was pregnant that she had a miscarriage. Grace’s abuser has two sons from a previous relationship who are members of a powerful gang and, in recent years, have joined their father in terrorizing Grace. The police offered her no protection, but instead cooperated in evicting her from her home when her abuser fraudulently claimed her title. The gang to which her abuser’s sons belong has networks across Guatemala, leading Grace to fear she would not be safe anywhere in the country.


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