Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Socialists are coming for the Democratic Party, by Rick Newman

If you don’t like President Trump’s economic policies, you might have an even worse choice in upcoming elections: socialism.
As Democrats try to figure out how to counter Trump, they’re lining up behind some Bernie Sanders ideas from 2016, including “Medicare for all” and free college for everybody: Appealing ideas, as long as you don’t consider the cost. Unspeakably expensive, if you do.
Now comes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a charismatic, 28-year-old Latina who upset an old-guard Democrat in a New York House primary on June 26 and will probably be headed to Congress next year. Ocasio-Cortez is a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist who’s even more leftist than Bernie Sanders, and her ascent has triggered hopes among some that the Democrat Party will become a sort of workers collectivist movement......


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