Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Festival Nacional del Libro (5), Washington D.C. Escritores de origen latino: Claribel A. Ortega, Por Javier J. Jaspe

 En Pocas Palabras.  Javier J. Jaspe

 Washington D.C.

“The 2023 National Book Festival was held in the nation’s capital at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on Saturday, August 12, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Several programs were livestreamed, and video of all talks can be viewed online shortly after the Festival’s conclusion. Mark your calendars now for next year’s National Book Festival, scheduled for Aug. 24, 2024.”


Una lista completa de los autores que participaron en el Festival  Nacional del Libro de 2023 (FNL2023) puede verse EN:

La serie que continuamos hoy se refiere a escritores de origen latino que participaron en el FNL2023. Su objeto no consiste en realizar un análisis de su obra, sino el de publicar material encontrado en Internet relacionado con la misma y sus autores, para lo cual nos servirá de guía el propio Website del  FNL2023 en inglés:

Los textos de Internet se transcribirán en itálicas, en español o inglés, según sea el caso, con indicación de su fuente. Esta quinta entrega se refiere a la autora Claribel A. Ortega. Veamos:

Claribel A. Ortega

Claribel A. Ortega is a New York Times bestselling and award-winning author who writes middle grade and young adult fantasy novels inspired by her Dominican heritage. She co-hosts the “Bad Author Book Club” podcast and is a contributing author for Marvel. Ortega’s work has been featured in BuzzFeed, Bustle and Deadline. Her debut middle grade novel, “Ghost Squad,” is being adapted into a feature film. Ortega’s graphic novel “Frizzy,” illustrated by Rose Bousamra, won the 2023 Pura Belpré Children’s Author Award. Ortega’s new sequel to “Witchlings,” “The Golden Frog Games External,” will be featured at the 2023 National Book Festival.


Conferencia/Entrevista en el FNL 2023

PBS Books 2023 National Book Festival Author Talk: Claribel A. Ortega

Videos EN:

Website de la autora:

Biografía corta en el website de la autora:

New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author, Claribel A. Ortega is a former reporter who writes middle-grade and young adult fantasy inspired by her Dominican heritage. When she's not busy turning her obsession with eighties pop culture, magic, and video games into books, she’s co-hosting her podcast Bad Author Book Club. Claribel is a Marvel contributor and has been featured on Buzzfeed, Bustle, Good Morning America and Deadline.

Claribel’s NYT Bestselling debut middle grade novel Ghost Squad is being made into a feature film. Her latest book Witchlings (Scholastic) was an Instant NYT and #1 Indie Bestseller. Her graphic novel Frizzy with Rose Bousamra was winner of the 2023 Pura Belpré Award for Children's Text and an Indie Bestseller. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok @Claribel_Ortega, on Twitch as Radbunnie and on her website at

Biografía larga en el website de la autora:

New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author Claribel Ortega went from journalism student, editing her classmates often times hilarious ads and ramblings on the back page of SUNY Purchase’s Independent Newspaper, to a small town reporter, where she enjoyed going to board of ed meetings and texting the town mayors about the line at Starbucks.

Today when she’s not busy turning her obsession with eighties pop culture, magic and video games into books, she's co-hosting the hilarious and chaotic Bad Author Book Club podcast. She is a Marvel contributor and has been featured on Buzzfeed, Bustle, Good Morning America and Deadline.


Claribel’s debut middle grade novel Ghost Squad is a New York Times Bestseller and is being made into a feature film. Ghost Squad won Best in Middle Grade at the 2021 Ignyte Awards, was an NPR Best Book of 2020, a Good Morning America Summer Reading Squad selection and a Barnes & Noble Young Reader Pick for October 2021.

Her latest book Witchlings (Scholastic) was an Instant NYT and #1 Indie Bestseller. Her graphic novel Frizzy with Rose Bousamra was winner of the 2023 Pura Belpré Award for Children's Text and an Indie Bestseller. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok @Claribel_Ortega, on Twitch as Radbunnie and on her website at


Claribel lives in New York with her motorcycle-riding poet boyfriend & her suspiciously intelligent yorkie, Pancho.

Libros de la autora:


Press Kit and FAQ:



Review of the Day: Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega, ill. Rose Bousamra


Children’s books in which authority figures perpetuate hurtful beauty standards are becoming increasingly common these days. From the colorism of Genesis Begins Again to the fatphobia of Starfish, it’s not just that parents don’t understand. It’s that a kid can’t take comfort in a parental figure since it’s that very figure that’s making them feel miserable all the time. And in this respect Frizzy may outshine them all. It’s a collaboration of Claribel Ortega and Rose Bousamra and somehow manages to be deeply realistic and magical all at once. You don’t just identify with Marlene, the main character of this book. You are her. Balancing its messaging with great storytelling, character development, and the magic trick of making a mother character both the antagonist and loving, Frizzy is a roller coaster ride of emotions in a single, simple, quick to read little package. I like my moralizing not to feel like moralizing. As such, this is my new favorite book.

Torture. Sheer unmitigated torture. That’s how Marlene feels about going to the salon with her mother every Sunday to have her naturally curly hair straightened and styled. It’s a battle she can never win, no matter how much she begs. After her cousin’s quinceanera, this rebellion is matched only by her mother’s determination to control her daughter’s hair. An incident at school where Marlene releases her hair from braids and kids start sticking things in her frizz causes the girl to reach her boiling point. Fortunately, her Tia Ruby is there to help. With hair as curly as Marlene’s she explains why their family have always equated straight hair with “good hair” and teaches her niece how to take care of her own. But will they be able to convince Marlene’s mom? Can curly hair truly be beautiful?....


I love books about process and they don’t get much process-ier than Frizzy. There aren’t all that many children’s books about attitudes about how “good hair” means white hair, though there are a few. As I read Frizzy I was reminded of the remarkable picture book by Cozbi A. Cabrera, My Hair is a Garden, which at the time took a incredibly deep dive into hair love and hair recovery. In Cabrera’s case is focuses on precisely what it takes to heal and grow beautiful Black hair. In Frizzy there’s a similar sequence of self-care but with the extra added advantage of panels that really show you the step-by-step process. In a way, Ortega and Bousamra have taken all the best aspects of a Tiktok How To video on hair care and formatted it into a highly readable book. A warning though: This book is about to make a bunch of straight-haired kids very very jealous.

My husband’s an author of books that explain how to engage audiences with your writing. When it comes to creating compelling characters, there are a number of tips and tricks he offers. For example, when we meet Marlene, Ms. Ortega does a number of things to get you on her side right from the start. She’s insulted by the hair stylist, who continually tsks and puts her down, while praising her mother’s hair. She’s in pain. She’s hungry. And then, when she goes to her cousin’s quince, she’s continually picked on by her relatives. This all happens within the first 42 pages and the combination is hugely successful. You aren’t just in Marlene’s court now. You would fight for her. You wanna grab that snotty blond cousin of hers and give her a good strong shake. You want someone to snap some sense into Marlene’s mom. Of course, the book runs the danger of heaping too much misery on poor Marlene. Readers have a limit at which they’ll be able to take all this depressing information and at times Ms. Ortega comes dangerously close to overtipping the balance. Fortunately for all parties involved, there’s a good ebb and flow of feelings. You’re never overwhelmed by her misery. Just pumped up to see her situation change.

Identification in Frizzy isn’t reserved for the main character alone, though. Sometimes I’ll read a comic with my daughter and she’ll start decrying how “evil” one person or another is. We haven’t read Frizzy together yet, but if I know her she’ll point a finger at the mom early on and pin that same label to her. But what separates a book of this sort from other, more simple, comics is how it treats its baddies. Now admittedly Marlene’s cousin Diana is without so much as a hint of human feeling or empathy. She’s fairly one-dimensional. Marlene’s mother, the arbitrator of her woes, is a different story. While she’s the one primarily responsible for her daughter’s misery, we see through Tia Ruby how, in a way, she’s also a victim of bad attitudes towards curly hair, passed down through generations. Ortega cleverly front-ends that right at the beginning of the book when Marlene is expected to simply take the mean things her relatives say about her. Tia Ruby is the saving grace here, and is able to humanize her own sister so that while I’m sure there will be plenty of kids that have hardened their hearts to the woman for her sins, others will see the part of her that simply chalks up salon visits to being a good mom.

I guess if we can credit Smile by Raina Telgemeier with anything at all, it may be that it popularized the idea that serious realistic fiction stories about real life problems can not only be successful in a graphic novel form, but alluring to kids in a whole different way than a novel or memoir might be. Let us now raise a glass to the art of Rose Bousamra then. Creating sequential art is a rough gig. In recent years (in part thanks to the aforementioned Telgemeier) we’ve seen the publisher’s comic book output for kids finally beginning to meet the demand. At the same time, though, that means that there’s a lot of schlock getting produced. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more frustrating than reading a graphic novel, only to find that you simply cannot follow the action. The artist has to be able to lead the eye of the reader from panel to panel so seamlessly than you never stop and think, “Wait. I think I missed something. I need to go back.” That reaction never once came up with Bousamra’s art. On top of that, these characters come alive under their pen. They take up space in the world. They sweat and breathe and move and clunk about. They have weight and balance. More please.


An exquisite excavation of hair politics, family dynamics, and self-love.


Marlene, a young Dominican American girl, seeks to embrace her natural hair.

Sundays are the worst—they’re the day each week when Marlene’s mom brings her to get her hair straightened at the salon. It’s a painful, arduous process, but Mami insists it’s the only way to look your best in front of others and be presentable at events like her cousin’s quinceañera. Marlene is constantly bombarded with ideas about “good hair” and critical comments about her looks. Thankfully, Tía Ruby, with her abundance of natural, bouncy curls, reassures Marlene that straightening her hair isn’t a requirement for looking beautiful, which sets a fire in Marlene’s heart. With the guidance and support of Tía Ruby and best friend Camilla, Marlene embarks on a natural hair journey with her head held high. Ortega masterfully navigates topics like anti-Blackness and oppressive beauty standards passed down through generations. Bousamra’s eye-catching color scheme, dominated by soft shades of pink and blue, and expressive illustrations showing Marlene’s vibrant community are the perfect vessel for this story. An especially tender scene in which Marlene finally experiences a pain-free wash day speaks volumes about the healing themes present throughout this graphic novel. Marlene’s journey of personal growth will evoke catharsis and joy.

An exquisite excavation of hair politics, family dynamics, and self-love. (Graphic fiction. 8-12)

Rizos (Frizzy, Spanish language edition)

by Claribel A. Ortega



Una novela gráfica de grado medio sobre Marlene, una joven que deja de alisarse el pelo y acepta sus rizos naturales.

Marlene ama tres cosas: el arte, a su adorada tía Ruby y pasar el tiempo con Camilla, su mejor amiga. Pero su mamá piensa que se debería enfocar solamente en sus estudios y en madurar; y esto último implica alisarse el pelo todos los fines de semana para que se vea “presentable” y “bueno”. Pero Marlene odia ir al salón y no entiende por qué nadie a su alrededor piensa que sus rizos naturales son bonitos. Después de algunos desafíos y momentos vergonzosos, además de la ayuda imprescindible de Camilla y tía Ruby, poco a poco Marlene emprende el camino de aprender a apreciar su pelo rizo y llevarlo con orgullo.




Rizos de Claribel A. Ortega e ilustrado por Rose Bousamra es una novela gráfica de las que me gustan. 

Me ha pellizcado el corazón durante toda la historia y Marlene me ha conquistado. Una historia que habla de reconciliarse con el pasado, que nos muestra cómo el pelo de Marlene, que puede ser algo estético y banal, pues tenga que ver con las raices de las protagonistas de la historia, con el pasado y con la identidad.

Claribel A. Ortega y Rose Bousamra hacen de Marlene una chica increíble. Las ilustraciones aportan a la trama luz y nos muestran a una protagonista que se está haciendo preguntas, que está creciendo, que intenta encontrar su lugar en el mundo. El texto resalta esa personalidad fascinante de Marlene.

Creo que unir en la historia a dos generaciones (madre e hija) y en algunos momentos a varios familiares de Marlene hacen de Rizos (Frizzy) una novela gráfica redonda, ya que seremos testigos de los conflictos que se crean en torno a Marlene.

Se van a sentir identificadas muchas personas y es triste como algo como el pelo, que forma parte de nuestro ser, de nuestra persona y nos hace únicos, pueda ser un problema enorme para muchas personas en el mundo.

También, creo que la sociedad va a la deriva. Criticamos, insultamos y nos reímos sin conocer a la otra persona, sin ponernos en su pellejo y no disfrutamos de la variedad cultural que es el mundo.

Es una historia de mujeres fuertes, valientes, luchadoras y también es una historia de crecimiento, de aprender a hablar, expresar en voz alta como nos sentimos, lo que queremos, de buscar nuestro propio camino. 

Es por eso que, me ha gustado como nos muestra la autora a la madre de Marlene y a la tía. Son de la misma familia, pero la forma de ser o de ver la vida serán parte del aprendizaje de nuestra protagonista.

Además, que la tía y la madre de Marlene son la noche y el día, así que será interesante conocerlas y verlas.

Una lectura entrañable.

Review: Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega

By Anuska G


Ghost Squad is one of the most talked about middle grade books of 2020 so far, so it’s likely crossed your social media feed at least once or twice. While many hyped up books turn out to be disappointing, in this particular case, I’d say you should believe the hype and give this book a try!

12-year-old Lucely Luna has always been able to see spirits. When something unusually creepy and strange happens during one of her father’s Ghost Tours, Lucely realises the ghosts of her dead family members (who live with her as fireflies) are in danger, and she teams up with her best friend Syd to find a spell that will help her fix the mess. However, the spell they cast goes terribly wrong and plunges their whole town in danger. Now they must team up with Syd’s witchy, leather jacket clad grandma and her grumpy cat to save Lucely’s ghost family and the town.

Ghost Squad is the bookish equivalent of the sense of comfort you feel when you bury yourself under a pile of cosy blankets. The book is relatively short in length, and the plot moves along pretty quickly. Ortega uses some much-beloved elements and tropes of a typical middle grade story in clever and unexpected ways and there are epic battles, best friends teaming up and going on a quest to find a magical object, and a band of misfits saving the day! Her prose is quirky and atmospheric, her storytelling vivid as you can clearly picture every frame in your head as you read. The story is rooted in Dominican folklore, and whether you’re someone familiar with the tales that influence the book or not, you’ll find it incredibly delightful.

The best thing about Ghost Squad is its characters. While Lucely and Syd were great, what I especially loved was Ortega’s handling of the various kind and supportive adults in Lucely’s life, who actually listen to what the kids have to say and trust them instead of just being dismissive. My favourite among the main characters was definitely Babette, the super-grandma who wears a massive purple cape and vanquishes ghostly dragons with a wand. Also, Chunk the cat deserves all the belly rubs and string cheese in the world!

Ghost Squad is first and foremost a book about family and not just the kind bonded by blood. Despite there being magical adventures, the story’s main focus always remains on Lucely’s various relationships, which Ortega portrays with a lot of heart and aching sweetness. Lucely’s mother left them a while ago, and while Lucely is still dealing with the grief of her absence and trying to move on, she has a kind and loving father with her every step of the way. Then there’s Syd, always ready to follow Lucely to the ends of the earth; their unwavering loyalty to each other is the driving force behind the plot. Lucely’s firefly family is fussy and affectionate and fiercely protective of her, and the few scenes where we get to meet them are the ones I enjoyed the most.

While I really liked this book, there were a few things I felt could’ve been done better. The first half of the story is far less exciting when compared to the second half, mostly because the setup took an unusually long amount of time. And while the story concludes satisfactorily, I couldn’t help feeling like the ending was too rushed.

However, the issues I pointed out didn’t really interfere with my enjoyment of the story. If you’re a fan of Pixar’s Coco or just really like spooky (but not too spooky) middle grade fiction, you’re bound to love this book. I very much recommend trying the gorgeously narrated audiobook, which has been made available for free on Spotify, by the way, so I really don’t see why you shouldn’t go and give it a listen right now!

Interview with Claribel Ortega

By Carolina V.


Hi there, friends!

Today’s post is one that is very special to me because I’m bringing you my first-ever interview on Santana Reads! *screams* And the fact that it’s with an author I admire so greatly? *cries*

I had the great pleasure to interview THE Claribel Ortega. You know, that super dope author with god-tier humor and memes who wrote an incredible, super Dominican book full of ghosts and flying chanclas. Yeah, that Twitter legend whomst I love with my entire being.

There are literally no words to describe how much I adore this little book. 2020 has been a shit-show and the fact that Ghost Squad is coming out during such a stressful time both breaks my heart, but also makes me even more grateful for its existence, because I also believe it’s coming out during the perfect time. It will be there to provide happiness and joy which is what we all need right now. So yeah, I’m gonna champion this book until the day I die!

If you’d like to read my full-length review of Ghost Squad, click here!

Now, on to the interview! 

What has been your favorite part about Ghost Squad’s publishing journey?

I think seeing the book in print for the first time was a really great moment but I also had a lot of fun while crafting the story itself. I became really attached to the characters.

Who was the character you found hardest to write?

I think Lucely was the hardest for me only because she was the one whose journey had the most meat to it being the main character. I wanted to be sure to show how vulnerable and scared she was while also showing she was brave and strong all while making sure she felt like a real kid! Lots of layers to tackle but I’m really happy with how she turned out.

In the book, Lucely and Syd go on a ton of spooky adventures at night. Was there any specific research you had to do to create the setting and atmosphere?

I wasn’t physically in Florida as I wrote so I spent a lot of time on google maps and looking at walkthroughs of the cemeteries there. There are tons of actual ghost tour companies where Ghost Squad is set as well because St. Augustine is a really old city, so I read through all of those websites, read reviews and tried to get a feel for all the tours. I also researched urban legends and ghost stories of St. Augustine and made some of my own up.

Ghost Squad is perfect for fans of Coco and Ghostbusters. Are there any other pieces of media you think represent the book?

Weirdly, I feel like if you were asking Babette, (Syd’s witchy grandmother who is along for the ride) she might say Adventures in Babysitting, but I also was always a huge fan of Goosebumps books so I think that definitely influenced my writing.

I loved the character of Tía Milagros. I think we all have a tía who is just as feisty as her. Is she based on any of your family members?

I have an aunt named Tía Milagros in real life and she also makes the best pasteles! But she’s a lot less feisty than the Ghost Squad version, haha, she was mostly a combination of the collective sass of all of my tías. I am also a tía, so I identify with her on a deep level, lol.

Who would 12-year old Claribel identify with the most: Lucely or Syd?

This is hard because I was definitely sassy like Syd but I was suuuuper sensitive like Lucely but I suppose if I had to choose, it would be Syd because I use humor as a coping mechanism to this day.

The public needs to know. What is Chunk’s breed?

She’s half tabby, half witch.

What are you most excited to see in the Ghost Squad movie adaptation?

Chunk in that one cemetery scene that I won’t spoil but that is my favorite.

Is there any chance we could get a sequel in the future?

Not sure! I would be up for it, especially writing a Syd-centric book!

What is next for Claribel Ortega?

I have a graphic novel, FRIZZY, coming from First Second in 2022*, and hopefully will have more good news coming out of this whole pandemic!

*Add Frizzy on Goodreads, about a Latina girl who stops straightening her hair and embraces her natural curls!

Coco meets Stranger Things with a hint of Ghostbusters in this action-packed supernatural fantasy.
For Lucely Luna, ghosts are more than just the family business.

Shortly before Halloween, Lucely and her best friend, Syd, cast a spell that accidentally awakens malicious spirits, wreaking havoc throughout St. Augustine. Together, they must join forces with Syd’s witch grandmother, Babette, and her tubby tabby, Chunk, to fight the haunting head-on and reverse the curse to save the town and Lucely’s firefly spirits before it’s too late.

With the family dynamics of Coco and action-packed adventure of Ghostbusters, Claribel A. Ortega delivers both a thrillingly spooky and delightfully sweet debut novel.

Get your own copy of Ghost Squad at and add it on Goodreads!

Claribel Ortega went from journalism student, editing her classmates often times hilarious ads and ramblings on the back page of SUNY Purchase’s Independent Newspaper, to a small town reporter, where she enjoyed going to board of ed meetings and texting the town mayors about the line at Starbucks.

Today she’s busy turning her obsession with eighties pop culture, magic and video games into books while traveling the world for her day job in marketing. She is the host of the WRITE OR DIE podcast , owner of small graphic design business
GIFGRRL and the GIFGRRL SHOP which creates apparel for writers and creatives.

She lives in New York with her motorcycle-riding poet boyfriend & her suspiciously intelligent yorkie, Pancho Villa.

Claribel’s debut middle grade novel GHOST SQUAD is coming from Scholastic April, 7th 2020.

Follow Claribel on TwitterInstagramFacebook, and Tumblr!

If you’re a parent, teacher, or educator, check out Claribel’s GHOST SQUAD WEEK home-learning resources, which include fun activities such as: a discussion guide, glossary, creative writing prompts, arts and crafts, and more! For more info, click here.

And that concludes this blog post!

Huge thank you to Claribel for taking the time to answer my questions and granting me the opportunity to host her on my blog to celebrate her debut’s birthday! It was an absolute honor! <33

I hope you all enjoyed, and I’ll see you on the next one!


Other reviews:

ARC Review: Ghost Squad by Claribel Ortega

By Carolina V.


Review: Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega


Review: Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega and illustrated by Rose Bousamra


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