Friday, March 22, 2024

3% de la población en Latinoamérica y Caribe carece de acceso al agua o consume no apta

 A pesar de que Latinoamérica posee 31% de fuentes de agua dulce y de que ha habido progresos en la provisión de los servicios de abastecimiento de agua, sigue existiendo una brecha entre el abastecimiento de agua gestionada de forma segura en zonas rurales....


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Articulos (4) sobre Latinoamérica y otros temas publicados en 2023 que podría ser de interés releer


Gustavo Ocando Alex/VOA febrero 27, 2023

Joseph Stiglitz febrero 28, 2023

Jean Pisani-Ferry marzo 1, 2023

Manuel Alcántara marzo 2, 2023

Laurentino Cortizo Cohén marzo 3, 2023

German Creamer marzo 3, 2023

Myriam Castaneda Solares marzo 5, 2023

Carlos Malamud marzo 6, 2023

María Villarreal/Latinoamérica21 marzo 8, 2023

María Noel Vaeza y Gema Sacristán marzo 8, 2023

LatinoLand A Portrait of America's Largest and Least Understood Minority By Marie Arana

 About the book:

A sweeping yet personal overview of the Latino population of America, drawn from hundreds of interviews and prodigious research that emphasizes the diversity and little-known history of our largest and fastest-growing minority.

LatinoLand is an exceptional, all-encompassing overview of Hispanic America based on personal interviews, deep research, and Marie Arana’s life experience as a Latina. At present, Latinos comprise 20 percent of the US population, a number that is growing. By 2050, census reports project that one in every three Americans will claim Latino heritage.

But Latinos are not a monolith. They do not represent a single group. The largest numbers are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Salvadorans, and Cubans. Each has a different cultural and political background. Puerto Ricans, for example, are US citizens, whereas some Mexican Americans never immigrated because the US-Mexico border shifted after the US invasion of 1848, incorporating what is now the entire southwest of the United States. Cubans came in two great waves: those escaping communism in the early years of Castro, many of whom were professionals and wealthy, and those permitted to leave in the Mariel boat lift twenty years later, representing some of the poorest Cubans, including prisoners.

As LatinoLand shows, Latinos were some of the earliest immigrants to what is now the US—some of them arriving in the 1500s. They are racially diverse—a random fusion of White, Black, Indigenous, and Asian. Once overwhelmingly Catholic, they are becoming increasingly Protestant and Evangelical. They range from domestic workers and day laborers to successful artists, corporate CEOs, and US senators. Formerly solidly Democratic, they now vote Republican in growing numbers. They are as varied culturally as any immigrants from Europe or Asia.

Marie Arana draws on her own experience as the daughter of an American mother and Peruvian father who came to the US at age nine, straddling two worlds, as many Latinos do. LatinoLand unabashedly celebrates Latino resilience and character and shows us why we must understand the fastest-growing minority in America.

About the author:

Marie Arana was born in Lima, Peru. She is the author of the memoir American Chica, a finalist for the National Book Award; two novels, Cellophane and Lima Nights; the prizewinning biography Bolivar; Silver, Sword, and Stone, a narrative history of Latin America; and The Writing Life, a collection from her well-known column for The Washington Post. She is the inaugural Literary Director of the Library of Congress and lives in Washington, DC, and Lima, Peru.


También puede verse:

Monday, March 11, 2024

Visiones del desarrollo: Acción climática y cero neto para salvar al mundo

 La acción climática parte de las condiciones de diversidad biológica y servicios ecosistémicos....

Por Christian Asinelli, vicepresidente Corporativo de Programación Estratégica de CAF.

Visiones del desarrollo es una sección promovida por CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe- que analiza los principales temas del desarrollo de la región. Los artículos que contiene se publican simultáneamente en los principales medios de América Latina.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Articulos (3) sobre Latinoamérica y otros temas publicados en 2023 que podría ser de interés releer


Germán G. Creamer febrero 16, 2023

Guillermo Fernández de Soto febrero 16, 2022

Mario Vargas Llosa febrero 17, 2023

José Gregorio Meza febrero 19, 2023

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín febrero 21, 2023

Javier Solana febrero 23,2023

Cepal/Descifrado febrero 24, 2023

Grazielle Custódio David febrero 25, 2023

Alicia Freilich febrero 26,2023

Editorial El Nacional febrero 26, 2023

Sunday, March 3, 2024

América descubre Madrid: las grandes fortunas latinas que reflotan el arte español Por Ángeles Garcoa

 Los coleccionistas latinoamericanos han convertido la ciudad, bautizada ya como “nueva Miami”, en un punto de encuentro. Desde la pandemia, la salud del mercado depende de sus adquisiciones....


Latest from the Inter American Dialogue this week
