Thursday, December 21, 2017

Inter-American Dialogue this week

The Election Crisis in Honduras

Dec 20  | Michael Shifter  |  Foreign Affairs

On December 17, after a chaotic presidential election in Honduras weeks before—involving unexplained computer malfunctions and possible vote rigging—the country’s electoral commission proclaimed the incumbent president, Juan Orlando Hernandez, the winner. Supporters of the Honduran opposition reacted with fury. Both the Organization of American States and the European Union, the two organizations that monitored the vote, noted irregularities. And the OAS rejected the official tally, calling for new elections. For many Hondurans, the current scene is all too familiar: it is a possible repeat of the turmoil surrounding the 2009 coup d’état, and a tragic continuation of a progressive loss of credibility in its electoral institutions. 


When a classroom isn’t an option: Non-formal schooling in Cartagena’s Escuela de Bancos

Dec 14 | Eduardo Vélez Bustillo |  BLOG
The example of Cartagena´s Escuelas de Bancos presents one simple lesson: education planners and decision-makers need to pay more attention to community-generated solutions and non-formal education.


Cuba-US Relations during Trump’s First Year

Dec 15  | Michael Shifter  |  BBC World News
In this interview with BBC World News, Michael Shifter discusses the current state of relations between the US and the island nation, what we know so far regarding the sonic attacks to US diplomats in Havana, and what we can expect after the 2018 change of leadership if Cuba.

Sobre los monopolios éticos

Dec 13  |  Kevin Casas-Zamora  |  Clarín
Uno de los aspectos menos estudiados del ascenso de las opciones políticas de izquierda en América Latina durante la última década y media –hoy más bien en retirada—tiene que ver con la curiosa simbiosis discursiva que precedió a su llegada al poder.


Piñera’s Election Victory in Chile

Dec 18  | Michael Shifter  |  CGTN America
Chile looked to the past to pick its future leader. Former President Sebastian Piñera is the projected winner of a presidential runoff election. With nearly all the votes counted, his challenger Alejandro Guillier conceded and congratulated the conservative billionaire on his victory. Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, discusses with CGTN’s Susan Roberts.

Financiamiento ilícito dificulta competencia electoral

Dec 13  | Kevin Casas-Zamora  |  INETV
En esta entrevista con el Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) de Mexico, Kevin Casas-Zamora, investigador asociado del Diálogo Interamericano, analiza el impacto del financiamiento ilícito de la política en la democracia y los procesos electorales, y asegura que el abuso en el uso de los recursos públicos para favorecer a la campaña del partido oficial hace difícil la competencia para la oposición.


What Can Chileans Expect From Piñera’s Return?

Former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera on Sunday defeated his opponent Alejandro Guillier in the country’s presidential runoff election. To what can Piñera attribute his victory? How well will he be able to work with the country’s Congress in order to advance his agenda? What policy proposals can Chileans expect of Piñera, and what will be the main differences from the outgoing administration of President Michelle Bachelet?
Featured Expert Commentary:
Peter M. Siavelis  |  Wake Forest University
Guillermo Holzmann  |  University of Valparaíso,  Analytyka Consulting
Peter DeShazo  |  Dartmouth College


Jan 11

China and the New Global Order

2:30 PM - 5:30 PM  |  Club de Industriales, Ciudad de México, México


Peruvian Politics Under Strain

Dec 14

The Crisis in Honduras: What Happened and What's Next? 

Dec 19


The Fujimoristas don’t have the moral high ground, but they have the power and have had so from the beginning [of Mr Kuczynski’s presidency]. They’ve long had him in a tough spot and now they’re going in for the kill.”

Michael Shifter
Peru Congress set to decide president’s political fate
Financial Times
Dec 20

En la medida en que el diálogo dominicano contribuya a una oposición más unificada y pragmática, más puede contribuir a un cambio significativo y útil en Venezuela."

Es poco probable que la actual tendencia política en Sudamérica se mantenga. Es razonable esperar más volatilidad política."



Había que darse cuenta...

Dec 21  |  Diego García-Sayan  |  La República

¿Más débil?

Dec 15  |  Fernando Cepeda Ulloa  |  El País (Colombia)

Colombia: escoger con transparencia

Dec 17  |  Diego García-Sayan  |  El País

"No busco la gloria o el bronce"

Dec 17  |  Entrevista con María Eugenia Vidal |  La Nación (Argentina)

Seguridad en tiempos del cemento chino

Oct 30  |  Kevin Casas-Zamora |  La Nación (Costa Rica)

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